





四街道の住宅 / House in Yotsukaido 千葉県




離れた空間同士を接着させるように散りばめられたものたち ― カーテン、ロングソファー、同寸の木の柱・梁・手すり、グレーに塗られた部位、リビングのR天井 ― 単体では取るに足らない存在を複合的に整理することで、空間を適度に繋げる。

The client of this project is a family of three, a couple, and their mother. They decided to renovate the house as they expect to spend more time at home from next year.
The plan is concentrated to use the space as a whole, which was too large for three people, as all their children had already left home. First of all, we broke the wall on the second floor to connect it to the existing void. And we partially lowered the ceiling of the living room at the same time, we created a small rise to emphasize this cozy space. We also shortened the flow line to the staircase to make it easier to go upstairs and reduce the psychological distance.
We try to gather “architectural things” that are scattered to glue the separated spaces together―curtains, long sofas, systemized wooden pillars, beams, handrails, space colored in gray, ceiling line that draws curve―although each of their existence is insignificant by themselves, however, they connect the spaces appropriately by organizing with each other and making sort of combination.
Even the curtains, which are uniformly colored in similar shades, are sewn and made of different materials to change their presence from place to place. The light from the windows and rooms is diffused in every direction with its colored shade by the presence of these fabrics. Walls and ceilings are based on white to emphasize this effect, increasing the sensitivity of the change of weather and time.
We were able to carry out this renovation work while preserving the innards of the existing house and achieving maximum effect with minimum manipulation.

用途         :住宅
構造         :木造
規模         :地上2階
計画期間       :2021年7月~2021年9月
計画地        :千葉県四街道市
設計         :tokudaction 徳田直之
施工         :株式会社 稲垣泰ゴロー
写真         :小松正樹

Plan type       :Renovation
Usage         :Private House
Structure       :Wood
Number of stories   :2 floors above ground
Date         :August 2021~September2021
Location        :Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba prefecture, Japan
Architects       :Naoyuki Tokuda / tokudaction
Structure       :YASUGORO INAGAKI Inc.
Curtain / sofa production:Nuu
Photo         :Masaki Komatsu

徳田 直之

tokudaction トクダクション一級建築士事務所

tokudaction(トクダクション一級建築士事務所)は千葉県我孫子市を拠点に徳田直之(とくだ なおゆき)が主宰する建築設計事務所です。環境がもつ力を最大限に引き出し、その環境と利用する人々が良い関係を持てる空間を目指しています。関東地区を中心に国内外問わず、公共施設から住宅まで幅広いプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。



  1. 佐倉の住宅/ House in Sakura  千葉県

  1. 南風原町の二世帯住宅 沖縄県

  2. 南城市の別荘 沖縄県

  3. 宜野湾市の二世帯住宅 沖縄県

  4. 多治見 古民家リノベーション 岐阜県

  5. 週末だけのご褒美空間住宅 宮城県